Do you know how to make a paper flower with paper raffia?

Raffia also named wishing rope or love grass. Someone said the God’s rope is made by raffia, therefore you wore the jewelry if it is made with paper raffia, then your wish can transfer to the God, and your wish can become true when the day of the rope break.

 environmental paper yarn

Currently, thepaper raffia already braided various ethnic characterize jewelry, such as the wish rope can pray for health for your parents, pray safe for your family; If lovers give the paper raffia to each other, that means the lovers will love each other forever.

 Cloth Paper

Now let Asun Company show you how to make some fairy flowers

 Flat Paper Webbing

Wish these paper raffia flowers making process can bring some new art ideas to you, and we also wish our paper raffia can bring more happiness to your life.

environmental paper yarn

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